Part 1:
It was June already and the sun was bright and warm. Sandra was glad that it was Friday. As she looked at the calendar she noticed that it was the sixth day of the week. They always wrapped up that weekday with something fun to do. She knew it would be family night at her home this evening. It was her turn to choose how her family would spend their time together. What fun thing could we do together, she wondered?
Last week it had been her little brother Samuel’s turn to pick so he had wanted them all to watch “Toy Story” together. Dad had asked Sandra to help him make popcorn while her older brother Steven loaded the movie and set up places for everyone to sit. Mom had gathered extra pillows and several blankets for the little ones to curl up on the carpet. Meghan was still little like Samuel, so a blanket and pillow made her feel cozy beside him on the floor. When everything was ready, they bowed their heads and thanked God for blessing their home and family.
What a good time they had, thought Sandra. But what could she choose that would make a happy family time this week? She considered playing board games or reading a story. We could make cookies or dip pretzels in melted chocolate bars. There’s going to be a softball game at the park we could watch but we already did that recently. I want us to do something new, something different.
As she pondered each possibility she stood by the window looking out at the front yard. Just then a moving truck pulled up right across the street. Next a red van stopped and parked behind the truck. As Sandra watched, doors opened and out of the van came a group of people she had never seen before. These must be our new neighbors, she whispered to herself. Sandra called her family to come and see what was happening across the street.
Discussion questions for part 1:
- Who was the main character (person) in this story?
- What day of the week was it? What month was it?
- How many people are in Sandra’s family?
- What was Sandra thinking about?
Part 2:
Something in Sandra’s heart reminded her of when she was new to this neighborhood. She remembered how an older neighbor had warmly greeted them. That sweet memory brought a smile to Sandra’s face. She missed old Mrs. Ferguson and all the kind things she did to make them feel welcome. By her friendly example, she had taught Sandra what it meant to be a good neighbor.
“I think I know what we could do this evening for family time,” she told her family. Let’s invite our new neighbors over for a pizza picnic dinner. Everyone thought that Sandra had a wonderful idea.
Her Mom gave her a hug and suggested that they make a brief visit to welcome their neighbors just the way Mrs. Ferguson did.
“This is going to be fun for all of us,” Dad said as he smiled at Sandra. “You get to lead the way, Sandra.” Together a family of six walked across the street to welcome their new neighbors. Each one hoped to make a new friend. With a sense of joyful expectation, Sandra took her little sister Meghan’s hand and thanked God for this opportunity to share his welcoming love with another family.
Later that evening after their new neighbors had left their pizza picnic, Sandra opened her Bible to thank God for the wonderful day. She turned to Genesis and read that on the sixth day of creation God had created people. She thought about how wonderful and complex people are. God had said to the first people, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” So many different kinds of people fill the earth today. But God even thought of that right from the beginning. All the possible skin and eye and hair colors were imagined and planned by God. “God is the awesome Creator of such a magnificent world,” Sandra said. “Thank you for giving us new neighbors to welcome and love. This evening was a very good surprise! Amen.”
Discussion questions for part 2:
- What kind of person do you think Sandra’s old neighbor Mrs. Ferguson was?
- What did she teach Sandra to do?
- What new idea did Sandra have for Family Night?
Part 3:
Sandra and her family thought of a way to show kindness and hospitality to their new neighbors. What does hospitality look like? Why was it a good idea for Sandra’s whole family to go and meet their new neighbors and offer the invitation? Did you notice how the number six was used in this story? It is fun to notice details woven into stories that you read and write.
Maybe as you finish this story you might want to imagine what might happen on the next day.
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